Monday, July 26, 2010

week 7 - Exploration on Juxtaposition

Analogy and Metaphor

What is the DIFFERENCES between Analogy and Metaphor?

"A metaphor is more forceful (active) than an analogy, because metaphor asserts two things are the same, whereas anology implies a difference; or other rhethorical comparative figures of speech, such as metonymy, parable, simile, and synecdoche, are species of metaphor distinguished by how the comparison is communicated."

In my opinion, an analogy is usually used when one is trying to explain something complex using something familiar as an example. We call something a metaphor when we speak figuratively to describe something.

Here is an example of strong metaphor used in campaigns:

Following the tragedy of September 11th in US, the visual shows that tobacco kills a lot more people everyday than the terrorist attack did on the day of the tragedy.

image source:

The fun and enjoyable class activities during class:

Exercise 1:
Our lecture asked us to choose two digit numbers and matched two digit numbers with two words from the column below

Step 1 : Choose 3 pairs of numbers from 00 until 99.

My chosen number was ‘04′, ‘34 and ‘79′. So the number represent
04 – Fly Mountain
34 – Ice Mountain
79 – Dog Rain

Step 2: Create a sentence using the two random words.

04 – Many birds are flying toward the mountain.
34 – The ice have covered the top of the two mountains.
79 –  There was a dog stood in the rain.

Step 3: Visualize the sentences.
Here are my sketches:

Step 4 : Visualize the combination of the two words.

Exercise 2: How merges go wrong?

We had to choose two different animals, combine and merge their characteristic together to make an new animal that people didn't see it before. The chosen animals must be the animals that can't live when they stay together. At the end of the exercise, many of us created many weird and funny-looking animals.

Exercise 3 : Writing poems
Later we had an exercise of writing a poem that connects the words 'Chili' and 'Love'. It's hard for me to write a poem that relates chili and love and it has to make sense! Then Mr.Radzi had some students read out their poems. Some were good, some were funny. But there was a student who read out his dirty poem and everyone laughed out loud after hearing it. hahahaha... I think he was brave and smart enough to write such kind of poem.

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